I have been quiet lately. Too many things going on, and so I spent little or no time to write anything.
Back to running, currently I am running about 45-50km per week. Also I am more conscious about my running mechanics, i.e. the foot landing, the arm movement etc. It is like a re-learning to run all over again.
I didn't participate in recent runs because of clash of priorities. It is always family comes first for me. Even for my training, I need to ensure that I don't spend too much time until my spouse and children feel and complain about it.
I thought of increasing my weekly minimum mileage to about 60-70km (to improve my fitness/pace), but I think I will sacrifice too much time from sleep and family, not a good idea. I received not from one, but at least three people, a same email about a corporate CEO who ran marathons died young. It was allegedly due to lack of sleep.
Anyway, I am putting different things in my trainings, e.g. short interval training and strength training. Interval training is really a struggle for me. It is very tough for me for go through my short interval session. Sometimes, I feel the cramp and nausea after the interval training.
I am also having a slight intermittent heel pain on my right foot for 2-3 weeks now. Reason is still unknown, that makes it a bit frustrating. I just have to figure it out and see if it will heal soon.
My next run is on 14 Mar, the Bareno Run 15km. I hope I can be 100% by then.
Gender Wage Gap
1 week ago