This post has been delayed for some time now. But I still feel that it is good to write about it.
I joined this Siemens Run (18 July 2010) when my company asked for representatives back in early July. At first I thought it was for the competitive 10km category, then I was told we will be running in the Corporate Run Category. It was for charity and my company had contributed substantial amount of money for the good cause.
The Corporate Run Category was non-competitive and it was for 3.5km only. The team members would run as a team and it was like a fun run. I was very keen to join as this was for charity.
I took the opportunity to double-up as the unofficial photographer as well. I brought my new D90 with 18-200mm lens (retiring my D40) and ran with it so that I could took photos along the route. Not running against time, not vying for medal, it was a relax and enjoyable run. I met some runner friends in the event and cheered them on. I felt good also to be able to take photos for them. There were many photographers in the event as well.
Some photos here.
On the other side of my lens:
More photos in my Multiply.
Gender Wage Gap
1 week ago