Here is my commentary about the PBIM 2010 Full Marathon 42.195km route.
First, let's see the official route map from the organiser website below.
This route map is obviously not to scale and could be misleading to some extent. The route information given along with the route map above is as follows:
Queensbay - Seagate - Penang Bridge - PBSB Office - Jelutong Expressway - Macallum Street - Villa Emas - Queensbay Mall
A more representative route map is shown below. You may check out this link. The U-turn at PBSB office was not accurately charted in the link.
I ran this full marathon route last year. It was the run of my life. This year, I will skip the FM and will only run in the half marathon.
I will give more details on the FM route for those who is new to this route. This route is basically the same as the 2009 FM route. The start/finish line is at Queensbay Mall. It is easier to break this route into 3 sectors, and analyse them accordingly.
Sector 1 (Queensbay Mall to Seagate then to start of Penang Bridge) (Start to ~9.5km)
From Queensbay Mall, the runners will run straight to a round-about and take the first turn to the left (9 o'clock direction). Runners will then turn left to Bayan Lepas Highway (away from the Bridge). There is a U-turn near Seagate at around 3.5km. After this U-turn (the first timing mat was placed here during the PBIM2009), runners will be heading to the Bridge via the Bayan Lepas Highway. When you are at the beginning of the Bridge, you are now at approximately 9.5km mark. This section of the course is flat and runners can take it easy and refrain from running too fast.
Sector 2 (start of Penang Bridge at Penang Island heading towards mainland, U-turn at PBSB office and back to Penang) (From ~9.5km to ~26km)
This is relatively straight forward section of the course. The bridge is flat except for the middle section. The climb start at around 12km mark until the approximately 13km mark. Then the bridge ramp down to around 14km mark. The run to the mainland is until the PBSB office when there is small gate open on the right for the runners to cut through to a U-turn beneath the bridge. When the runners come up on the other side of the bridge heading towards the island, this is approximately 18.5km mark. There will be a timing mat here.
Just before the 21km halfway mark on the bridge, FM runners will now see the half-marathoners taking their U-turn on the bridge. The route will get slightly crowded and you may find yourself weaving through the HM runners. Then you climb the middle section of the bridge and you will find yourself back to the island.
Runners should be at their marathon goal pace already at this section but be careful not to overdo it. Reserve some strength for the final sector.
Sector 3 (Penang Bridge to Lebuh Macallum then to Queensbay Mall) (~26km to Finish)
This is where the FM race really begins.
This sector is the toughest, both physically and mentally for the FM runners. After the bridge, the runners will turn right, away from Queensbay Mall, on to the Jelutong Highway. The U-turn is at Lebuh Macallum, some 6.5km away. A lot of the FM runners suffered last year during this section because of a few factors. Among them, no km markers to show the distance, three flyovers (effectively 6 in totals because of the return trip) to tackle, crowded running route near the ~37.5km mark with HM and 10km runners depending on your pace.
Heading to Lebuh Macallum you will see HM turning point at around e-Gate building. FM runners, please don't turn here. You will not run a full course by taking an early U-turn.
Last year, the U-turn at Lebuh Macallum was marked with 35km marker. This was wrong, as I later found out. The official timing split indicated later was 32km, on the finisher certificate. However, I believe this point should be in between 32km and 33km, probably much closer to 33km mark.
The run back from the U-turn to Queensbay Mall will be a test of the heart. You will likely to be tired at this stage. There will be no pretty cheerleaders cheering for you at that time. And you need to tackle the gradient of the flyovers again. Not too steep if you ask me, but any climb at that point of time (& distance) will be very demanding both on the body and mind.
My advice for the runners in this sector is to stay strong and focused. You will reach the left turn near Villa Emas before Eastin Hotel, then take the round-about at the end of the road and head towards the finish line. You will then cross that finish line with you head up, arms up, and a lot satisfaction for conquering this full marathon course.
See you at the finish line!
Kuala Lumpur Night Run 2025
1 week ago
I'm beginning to regret asking you to comment on the marathon route. I'm fairly OK with the bridge since I've been there before. But those 3 flyovers x 2 along the Jelutong Highway are sending chills down my spine. I can see that I will lose a lobster there soon!... hehehe
It is all in the mind. Nothing we can do now to remove those flyovers. Just need to focus on what we can do.
Just need to prepare yourself mentally and physically and plan your race strategy. A lot more things can happen during the race beside the course itself.
I believe you will achieve your goal (for the lobster) [smile]. So I will see you at the finish line. All the best.
Merci! you still have faith in me, my friend! You haven't seen how hard my opponent has been training. But of course never say die 'til Rosmah Mansor sings.
By the way, since you will be arriving at the finish line first, and if you are planning to take pictures, try to take one of mine when and if I cross the finish line ah!
Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that you can do it.
Remember to stay positive and work on the mental part and the race strategy.
I have not decided taking photos for the runners at the finish line. If I do, I will be surely looking for you. [smile]
TQ 4ur detailed analysis bout d FM route,wh i suffered hell in last yrs run.Ds time around im sure 'd not b fooled again by their misleading markers.Cheers 4ur job well done!
Hi Chuah,
Thanks. We all learned from our experience. Hope this helps the runners who is new to the route.
Route is only one part of the race, runners still need to prepare themselves with sufficient trainings, plan the race strategy etc.
All the best to you!
hi CP, Hoffen and I should have read your post earlier.....hahaha, anyway, it's finished!
Wai Sum,
Considering the heavy rain, I think everyone had a difficult race, regardless of the race course.
I think both of you did well.
Hope to see you both next run.
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