Sunday, August 30, 2009
5th Pacemakers Anniversary Run 2009
The Lake Garden was the background setting for the 5th Pacemakers Anniversary Run this morning. BP, James and Janice were my team mates in this team relay run. It was a very interesting run format: a team 4 x 2.6km relay.
There were competitive and non-competitive categories. Each team must have at least a female runner, who will start first. For this, I ran the second leg, James the third and BP the anchor leg.
We finished the race in 54 minutes 10 seconds, positioned at 26th out of 33 teams. Good run, team! The champion team was from Klang Pacers 1, with finishing time of 38 minutes.
I also took time to took some photos of the run with my DSLR. For more photos please visit my album here.
At the closing stage of the run, it started rain heavily. BP was still running and we (and all the runners) have to take shelther. It rained for a good 20 to 30 minutes, but finally it became a drizzle and the prize-giving ceremony was able to proceed.
BP and I met up with Yin too, who happened to do her training run around the lake.
Overall, it was a good event from the Pacemakers. I enjoyed the run and liked the company too.
It has been a tiring week. Work wise has been busy as ever, leaving little time to train for my Penang Bridge International Marathon. I know I was slacking when it comes to training last two weeks. That's why for this week, I decided to buck up and increase my weekly mileage. Overall, I ran 5 days out of 7 this week. Yesterday, I did my 22km long run. Total weekly mileage: 55km.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Weekend in Penang
Saturday afternoon, when I was in Bukit Dumbar park, I saw a few youngsters set up a booth to get people to register for PBIM 2009.
I met Mr. Jordan Lee, a fellow runner and my online contact. He is the gentleman on the far left of the photo above. He was relating his experience of PBIM 08 to the youngsters.
The organiser has been very active in getting more people to sign up for the run. They even come to your school and office to sign up runners. One point I noted in PBIM 09 is that the 10km run is open to teenagers only. I guess the reason maybe to encourage more young runners.
Anyway, I was not running in the park yesterday because I was tired, having ran in the morning. My wife was running while I walked with Ashton. She will join me for Mizuno 10km run in October and PBIM in November. She will run in fun run in PBIM 09.
Sunday in Penang is a rainy one, at least it is still raining now. I woke up at 5am, put on my running shoes and it started raining. Then I went back to bed. So, I'm not sure I can run today.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Terry Fox Run Kuala Lumpur 2009
Date: 1 Nov 2009 (Sun)
Time (Flag-off): 9:00am
Venue: Lake Garden
This non-competitive run is for a good cause. You can bring your family and friends.
The fund raised (via T-shirt sale) will be for cancer research. The beneficiary will be CARIF (Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation) Malaysia.
See below for the T-shirt design.

If you would like to volunteer
If you need more information
Please contact :
Ms Yoon / Mr Peter Kang, CARIF, 2nd floor, OPC, Sime Darby Medical Centre, T: 56391874
Or email them at
Updated (20 Oct 2009):
Pacesetters Breakfast Run 16 August 2009
I was running alone this morning because my running kaki were not available. They got their own plans already.
I saw PM1 and his friends were starting their 20km run. So I thought I might as well follow them for the first few kms. Soon I was huffing and puffing trying to stay in pace with PM1. He and his friend were chatting along. I guessed it was their "comfort pace".
At about 5.15km, I made a turn to the second hill while PM1 continued his LSD (Long Slow Distance) heading towards Jalan Duta and Sri Hartamas.
Eventually I finished my 10.69km run in 1 hour and 1 minute. It was my fourth runs in four days.
I quickly changed and took out my DSLR. I could see the Pacesetters were getting ready to serve the runners with hot drinks and snacks.
Mr. Wan Yew Leong was preparing his teh tarik. I tried one cup. It was good. See him in action here:
Mr. Chan and some fellow Pacesetters were preparing the snacks.
Among the snacks and drinks available were: teh tarik, red bean tong sui, fu chuk tong sui, watermelon, banana, sandwich, hard-boiled eggs, and cakes.
See the runners helping themselves here.
Milo Ais Satu! was there too.
So was ultramarathoner, Mr. Tey (not facing camera here).
The President of Pacesetters, Mr. Rustam was seen registering runners himself for the Mizuno Wave Run 2009.
I saw PM1 giving out the running bibs and vests for the Pacemakers 5th Anniversary Team Relay Run. I quickly collected and then headed home.
More photos available in my Multiply site. Please add me as contact to view.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Of food and security in Chennai
It was my first time in Chennai. My previous trips were all to Delhi. Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu state, the biggest city in south India. The weather was quite hot and humid. Luckily I spent most of my time there indoor.
The food in Chennai is similar to those found in Indian restaurant in Malaysia, particularly in Brickfields KL. It is spicy, Chettinad style served with banana leaf, instead of plate. You can find vegetarian food quite easily here too. I like the Chennai filtered coffee, served with two stainless steel containers, for you to "tarik", as seen below. You can find this in Brickfield, KL too.
I also enjoyed the orignal roti canai, paratha, in Chennai. Seen below is the potato paratha.
One thing I found out that in India was the security measures were tight. In public places like shopping malls and some offices, there was a metal detector and X-ray scanner installed at every entrance.
These security detectors and scanners were installed in the hotel that I was staying. After passing through the metal detector, then a security guard will body-search you some more.
All the baggage and luggage will be required to pass through the scanner. The security was tight, it was necessary from the Indian government point of view. Since the bombing in Mumbai, the security in India became a big concern. People in big cities were living in fear of being bombed again. The tightened security was a necessary measure.
To give you a view of how tight the security was, everyday I went through the metal detector at least once, maximum three times. At one time when I was in Delhi, I was body-searched twice at one entrance to a shopping mall. The feeling was similar to being molested, physically and mentally.
It made me think how lucky I am to live in Malaysia. I hope I will not have to pass through a metal detector entering hotels and shopping malls in Malaysia, ever.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Young runner passed away
He was reported missing after the race. He was found dead in Stadium Shah Alam a day later.
He fainted after completing the 22km half-marathon and was attended by paramedics. Please see video here. He was last seen walking away from the stretcher on his own.
He was 22.
A lot of things and feelings came into my mind when I read the news. A lot of questions to ask and to put down to words.
For now, I just want to pray for him. Rest in peace, Gary.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
adidas King of the Road 2009

I achieved my personal best in half marathon in the adidas King of the Road 2009. I finished the 22km race in 1:58:48, under 2 hours.
My buddy BP finished under the qualifying time of 2:20:00. He just missed out on the medal by a minute. Only 350 medals were given out for the Men Open category. I heard from him his knee didn't give him problem, which was a good sign. It was our first race after the SCKLM09.
I set out this morning (when I stood on the starting line) to try to dip under 2 hours. It was a long shot as I've never done it before. In Bidor Half Marathon, I only managed about 2:05. Also this route looks hilly on paper as I remember it.
Anyway, I just pushed myself as hard as possible. Especially after 13km mark, when KC Leong was side-by-side with me. There were several climbs including one steep one near the end. I was glad I trained a lot in Taman Bukit Jalil. The steep climbing became not so punishing, even at closing stage of the race. I managed to overtook many runners climbing on the hills.
The last climb before the finish, there were many 11km runners blocking the way. Many of them were walking up the hill. I decided to go to the right side of the road near the divider. I was chasing time and I stayed as near as the divider as possible as the cars were still moving along the right lane of the road.
Finally, I managed to come in to the stadium and was beaming with big smile on my face. Not sure anyone got my finishing photos. Sayang if nobody took any photo of me.
Anyway, I met some of my online friends today. Chuah and Kwang Leng were there. I talked to them briefly after introducing myself. I also congratulated Julia, who trained in Taman Bukit Jalil too. She finished the race about the same time as I. But I know very well, she can do better.
I managed to took some photos with my DSLR only about 9:30am. I took more time to warm down and rested. I pushed myself to almost my limit I think.
My race log:
21.97km (from Suunto GPS POD), 1:58:48, average HR 160 bpm (wah lau!), peak 173. I ran almost the entire race with my HR above 80%! Split time at 11km was 58:05.
The other point is I lost 2 kg when I weigh myself after the race. Calories burned was 1502 calories in just 2 hours!
Ok, I will write more on this later. I have to pack for an overseas business trip this evening.
You can check out the photos in my Multiply site or Facebook.
Updated 8/8/09:
My split time here:
km, split time, lap time, ave HR
1 00:05:18 00:05:18 143
2 00:10:08 00:04:50 158
3 00:14:59 00:04:51 159
4 00:20:00 00:05:01 160
5 00:25:17 00:05:17 160
6 00:30:44 00:05:27 159
7 00:35:47 00:05:03 159
8 00:40:48 00:05:01 163
9 00:46:15 00:05:27 161
10 00:52:26 00:06:11 157
11 00:58:05 00:05:39 160
12 01:03:26 00:05:21 161
13 01:09:12 00:05:46 162
14 01:14:41 00:05:29 159
15 01:19:57 00:05:16 163
16 01:25:10 00:05:13 163
17 01:31:13 00:06:03 158
18 01:36:48 00:05:35 159
19 01:42:26 00:05:38 162
20 01:48:08 00:05:42 163
21 01:53:40 00:05:32 165
21.97 01:58:47 00:05:07 167