I attended my Yoga class on Monday. It was a good session for my tune-up to race day. I felt refreshed after the class. But since then, I have not done any running or spinning. So I need to run a few km tomorrow.
Besides that, I eat a bit more as part of the plan to do carbo-loading. My diet is full of rice. If I don't eat rice for lunch or dinner, I will feel hungry within 3 hours. Water is important as well. I am drinking a lot so that my body will learn to store more water, or at least I ensure I am not dehydrated.
BP sent me a link today. It was about "sleep-loading". There is this article saying that sleep is probably one thing most athletes overlooked. It could be part of the "training aid". That is what I did more this week compare to last week anyway. So I felt better reading it.
Talking about BP, he could still start the race on Sunday. Will and I have been asking him to see a specialist about his knee. I think BP knows his body best, so if he decides to start and see how far he can go, I'll just say, "Just don't overdo it."
I enrolled in SCKLM 2009 thinking that running with BP will be easier. It will be a different feeling for me if he cannot make it to the starting line.
The Ugliest Definition
1 day ago
the sleep loading..i need to remind myself about that..haven't had as much sleep as i would have liked...am setting an alarm clock to remind me to go to sleep early tonite and to get off the internet ;)
all the best Spectrum of life...even if your friend isn't running, you'll have the rest of us with you too, whether in person or in spirit :)
Hi Yin, thanks for the encouraging words.
All the best to you too, I'll see you on race day. Meanwhile, please rest well, eat well, and taper well.
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